Bloody Hell!
Again, I feel you are right while hoping you are wrong.
Please propose a solution in your next piece! I don’t think we can take much more before outrage fatigue sets in! :(
My take: We need an electable middle. One that recognizes uncomfortable truths and proposes real-world solutions.
The implosion you describe is enabled by a Right swollen and empowered by ranks of exiles from a Left vehemently in denial of basic reality.
I wish the left was right; that their wishful thinking about human nature was true; that endless good-hearted charity was sustainable and would lead to a better world—but experience seems to be showing that humans need tough love. Without a firm hand, we take advantage. Not all of us, but enough that the trouble caused by the free-loaders will bring down the beautiful, delicate wonder of civilization we have built.
(To be clear, I am not using free-loaders as a euphemism for immigrant or working poor, I mean anybody who games the system to cynically take more from society than they give.)